Cloth Diaper Charity Directory

There are lots of cloth diaper charity organizations that collect new or used cloth diapers to be donated or loaned to families in need.  This page features many of these organizations.

What Do Cloth Diaper Charities Do?

Cloth diaper charities do so much more than just lend out cloth diapers to families in need.  They are advocates of cloth diapering in the community, and provide education and support to families who are making the transition to cloth.

These organizations are usually registered charities, and are run by volunteers.  They work tirelessly to make cloth diapering affordable and accessible, through education, support, and assistance.

20 Ways to Help Cloth Diaper Charities


  1. Donate new or used cloth diapers and accessories
  2. Donate cash for shipping or purchases of additional diapers
  3. Donate left-over materials such as snaps, PUL, and elastic that can be used for repairs
  4. Donate materials that can be used to sew new diapers and accessories - t-shirts, wool sweaters, bed sheets, zippers, elastic, and more
  5. Donate shipping materials
  6. Donate laundry detergent


  1. Wash and sanitize donated diapers
  2. Help with administration, including processing applications and replying to requests for more information
  3. Prepare kits for new families
  4. Repair donated diapers by replacing snaps, velcro, or elastic
  5. Provide ongoing mentorship or one-on-one support to a family who receives a diaper package
  6. Teach Cloth 101 classes
  7. Sew cloth diapers, covers, wet bags, and inserts using your own or donated materials
  8. Act as a social media manager for the charity's Facebook page
  9. Help set up and manage the charity's website and/or blog
  10. Offer to manage an event or promotional campaign for the charity


  1. Manage a donation collection site at your business
  2. Set up a drop-off bin and cash donation box at an event you are organizing or attending
  3. Leverage your personal or business contacts to help spread the word about the cloth diaper charity
  4. Help get the word out to families who might benefit from a cloth diaper loan

Where to Donate Cloth Diapers

Cloth diaper lending organizations are always in search of cloth diapers to help families ditch the disposables and start a more affordable way of diapering with cloth.  Many are registered charities and may even offer tax receipts for cash and in-kind (diaper or accessory) donations.

Diapers don't need to be in perfect condition, either.  Charities will strip and disinfect used diapers, and many do small repairs.  While the charities run on volunteer power, donations of cash are also gratefully accepted to help pay for additional diapers and accessories, shipping, materials for repairs, educational brochures and more.

Where to Borrow Cloth Diapers

Really want to use cloth but can't afford the start-up costs?  If you are struggling to finance the transition to cloth diapers, you may be eligible for a cloth diaper loan from a cloth diaper charity.  Check out the list of organizations below to see if there is one close to you, or look to one of the national organizations for help.

 If you know of one, we'd love to include them in our directory to help build our readers' awareness of the good work they do. Just send them to this page!

If you are a cloth diaper related charity, we'll add your link to the bottom of this page. To be included in our list of cloth diaper charities, please submit your information below!

We try to keep this list up-to-date.  You can help us by contacting us if you know of a charity we've missed!

It always feels so good to give! If you're looking for a local (or even not so local!) charity that helps others discover the benefits of cloth diapers.

Submit your cloth diaper charity here!

Share a bit of information about your cloth diaper-related charity with our readers.

Cloth Diaper Charity Listings

Click below to see charity listings submitted by others...

Babies in Cloth - Alberta, Canada 
Babies in Cloth (BIC) has eight chapters throughout Alberta, Canada. Through the work of volunteers, BIC collects donations of new, used and in-need-of …

Frugal Green Baby's Cloth Diaper Closet 
Welcome to Frugal Green Baby’s Cloth Diaper Closet! **Nation-wide!** The mission of the Cloth Diaper Closet is to share …

Tomahawk Sustainment Mission. Bardstown, Kentucky 
If you would like to donate cloth diapers in Kentucky, read on! As part of our Choose Your Charity Event , which runs from October 1 to 21, we're helping …

Cloth Diaper Oklahoma 
If you've ever wanted to donate cloth diapers to a worthwhile cause, read on! As part of our Choose Your Charity event , which runs from October 1 to …

Heiny Helpers in Bloomington, Indiana 
What is your mission? The mission of Heiny Helpers is to provide cloth diapers and cloth diapering support to families with low income in the Bloomington, …

One Diaper Canada, operating within Canada only 
One Diaper Canada Website: Facebook: @onediapercanada What is your mission? We are a cloth diaper charity that provides cloth diaper …

Minnesota Cloth Diaper Bank- Minnesota Not rated yet
These prompts will help you decide what to include in your submission. Search engines will ignore web pages that have less than 300 words, so please …

Caring for Cloth, Pennsylvania USA Not rated yet
These prompts will help you decide what to include in your submission. Search engines will ignore web pages that have less than 300 words, so please …

Plumbum Diapers Not rated yet
Plumbum Diapers Inc. Located in Windsor, PA Our mission to advocate the use of, educate about, and provide cloth diapers for local families in need. …

Jake's Diapers Inc. Not rated yet
Our mission is to provide cloth diapers to those in need, wherever they may be. Jake's Diapers headquarters is located in Kaukauna, WI, but we help …

Diaper Connection, serving Columbus Ohio Not rated yet
Diaper Connection loans cloth diapers to families in Columbus, Ohio, that qualify for WIC. Our volunteers mentor families on using and caring for their …

HOPE Diapers  Not rated yet
What is your mission? HOPE Diapers is a social enterprise that is dedicated to teaching families with children in diapers the art of folding and using …

Cloth For Every Bum Hinesville/Savannah GA Not rated yet
If you've ever wanted to donate cloth diapers to a worthwhile cause, read on! As part of our Choose Your Charity event, which runs from October 1 to …

Cutie Bondoonie Diaper Kits Not rated yet
Our mission is to provide low income families with FREE cloth diapers and supplies and to educate the public about the cost-saving and environmental benefits …

Click here to write your own.

In Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? Dr. Seuss says, "You ought to be thankful a whole heaping lot, for the places and people you're lucky you're not."

I've always admired others who give deeply to causes they believe in. Over the past year as I built the Thinking About Cloth Diapers website, I often thought about whether there was a way to use this website to help others less fortunate.

Dr. Seuss' second reminder, from The Lorax provided inspiration: "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Its' not!"

It took most of the year, but we've finally pulled together our first event designed to make a real difference!

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