Frugal Green Baby's Cloth Diaper Closet

by Frugal Green Baby
(Atlanta, GA)

Welcome to Frugal Green Baby’s Cloth Diaper Closet!

The mission of the Cloth Diaper Closet is to share a natural & earth-friendly way of diapering to those in need. Whether you are experiencing extenuating circumstances or have limited financial means, you are invited to apply for a cloth diaper loan.

Please read over our FAQ’s before applying and don’t forget to ‘like’ us on Facebook (!


**What is the Cloth Diaper Closet?
The Cloth Diaper Closet is a nation-wide lending program that provides cloth diapers to those in need.

**How does it all work?
Diapers are sent out to approved families on loan. The family is responsible for taking good care of the diapers and washing them according to approved methods. Once the child is out of diapers or no longer using them, the family sends the diapers back to us so that we may prepare them for the next family.

**What costs are involved?
Applying for the program is free. If approved, a $15 processing fee is requested in order to cover shipping and diaper maintenance. Diapers are returned at the recipient’s expense. This is typically between $15-20, but can be more or less depending on location.

**Who qualifies for this program?
If you are unable to afford diapers for your baby due to special circumstances or limited financial means, you may be eligible for a loan. Please apply if you are in need.

**Do you accept donations for the Cloth Diaper Closet?
Yes! With a gracious heart!

Please contact me with the details of what you have to donate (we happily accept all types of cloth diapers, wipes, and accessories) and to receive our shipping address. Alternatively, donations may be dropped off in the greater Atlanta area.

We thank you in advance for your generous donation!

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Aug 27, 2023
How can I donate cloth diapers? NEW
by: Nichole

I have a complete newborn/2year old prefolds with covers and would like to donate them. They are in excellent condition!

Dec 05, 2022
by: Chelsea

Hello! I have several Mama Koala diapers with microfiber inserts that I would like to donate to a family in need. They are in perfect condition, only gently used. Please let me know if you can use them and where I can mail them. Thanks!

Jan 04, 2021
Used cloth diapers to donate
by: Melissa

I have many Bum Genius cloth diapers and inserts that I would like to donate. They need new velcro (or need to be replaced with snaps), but otherwise the diapers are in good condition. Can you use these diapers? If not, do you know of another organization that can?

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