Heiny Helpers in Bloomington, Indiana

by Rev. Caela Simmons Wood
(Bloomington, IN)

Heiny Helpers Cloth Diaper Lending Service, Bloomington, Indiana

Heiny Helpers Cloth Diaper Lending Service, Bloomington, Indiana

What is your mission?

The mission of Heiny Helpers is to provide cloth diapers and cloth diapering support to families with low income in the Bloomington, Indiana area.

Which communities do you serve?

Bloomington, Indiana and the surrounding rural areas

How many families have you served?

Between we began in January 2011, we have given 108 babies full-time sets of cloth diapers (at time of submission in August 2012).

How do your clients qualify?

They must meet the income guidelines from WIC. More details on how to apply are available on are available on the Heiny Helpers website.

What kind of support do you provide them?

We lend each family enough diapers to cloth diaper full-time. They can keep the diapers until they are done with them. We meet with each family in person to teach them how to use the diapers and care for them. We also call them to follow up and see how it's going. They are allowed to exchange them if needed (poor fit, don't like the style, etc.

How can others help your cause?

Our greatest need right now is money to purchase Planet Wise wet bags (or used ones). We give each family a large zippered wet bag to store the diapers. We purchase these from a local non-profit for about $20 each.

Why did you get started?

We wanted to help families who couldn't afford cloth diapers use them. It seemed ironic and frustrating to us that the very families who needed them most couldn't afford to get a set to begin cloth diapering. We are also concerned about the impact of disposables on the environment and wanted to reduce their use.

Want to get in touch with Heiny Helpers in Bloomington?

Visit our website: heinyhelpers.org
See us on Facebook
Or email us at info@heinyhelpers.org

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Aug 19, 2015
Heiny Helpers in Bloomington, Indiana.
by: Carl Mckenzie

Wow! It's just a great work you people are doing. Still families exist who can't afford cloth diapers for their baby which is really unfortunate for those babies. Covering only Bloomington, Indiana is not enough but you guys should spread your donation service a little wider. First of all you need a good popularity and make awareness among people to help the needy. I'm sure after knowing the mission and service of your organization, huge number of people would get interested to take part in the donation and you'll have a good donation amount to buy more diapers. You may prefer Discount Baby products for your buying. Thanks for sharing the blog. I appreciate.

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