Cloth For Every Bum Hinesville/Savannah GA

by Amy
(Hinesville, GA, USA)

If you've ever wanted to donate cloth diapers to a worthwhile cause, read on! As part of our Choose Your Charity event, which runs from October 1 to 21, we're putting the spotlight on several wonderful cloth diaper charities that collect new and used diapers (even those needing repairs!) to help other families get started out with the initial costs of purchasing diapers.

We started Cloth For Every Bum in May of 2012. Cloth for Every Bum is near Savannah, GA. We have a partnership with Operation Homefront Georgia. We teach a Cloth 101 class to the recipients that covers types of diapers, reasons to cloth diaper, and how to take care of cloth diapers. Each Participant receives a kit. Each kit contains 10-12 cloth diapers and 8-12 cloth wipes.

Starting in January 2013, we will be doing a mentoring program where local cloth diapering families can sponsor a new to cloth family and provide them with additional support.

What is your mission?

The mission of Cloth for Every Bum is to provide cloth diapers to low income families in the Low Country Area.

Which communities do you serve?

Currently we work with Military Families, but starting in January 2013 we will be extending to nonmilitary families.

How many families have you served?

Since May of 2012, 19 families have received cloth diapering kits. Several have joined our Facebook group and are active in our cloth diapering community.

How do your clients qualify?

Our clients are already working with Operation Homefront. They meet with Christina, Operation Homefront Georgia Coordinator, to discuss their needs and desire to cloth diaper. It is not based on income.

Our non-military families will have a similar conversation with us directly.

What kind of support do you provide them?

We teach a Cloth 101 class, go over how to use the diapers in their kits. We give them our contact information. They are also invited to join our Low Country Real Diaper Circle group on Facebook

How can others help your cause?

Monetary donations are best, because we are trying to give new diapers, but we also accept used diapers to give to our families. Local readers can also contact us to find out more about sponsoring a family.

Why did you get started?

We saw a need in this area to get more babies into cloth diapers. We realized there are a lot of families that would like to cloth diaper but can't afford the start up cost.

Want to get in touch?

On Facebook

By Email:
Amy can be contacted at
Stacy can be contacted at

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