Fun With Cloth Diapers

All other benefits aside, you can have fun with cloth diapers! They are soft and cute, and (even with the laundry), they can be fun, too! If you're looking for a laugh or even some inspiration, here is a short collection of articles we've got to lift your spirits!

happiness is cloth diapers

Cloth Diaper Printables (FREE!)

Download our free cloth diaper printables to decorate your baby's nursery or changing area.

Gifts for Baby Showers

If you're looking for ideas for gifts for baby showers that new parents can both need and appreciate, let our creative and thoughtful suggestions for gift baskets and other gifts inspire you. Have some fun with cloth diapers and other useful ideas.

What is a Diaper Party?

Is your man feeling left out of all of the girls-only baby showers? Why not plan to host a diaper party? It's a low-key "guys only" party to celebrate baby's arrival with only 3 requirements...

Cloth Diaper Cakes

how to make a cloth diaper cake tutorial

Have fun making a cloth diaper cake for an upcoming baby shower or diaper party. Perfect for the time-starved host, these stunning centerpieces are both beautiful and practical. Made of prefold cloth diapers and decorated with other baby accessories, you can pull one of these together in less than an hour!

Looking for a Special Diaper? Look No Further than a Custom Cloth Diaper

Custom cloth diapers are a great way to dress your baby up for photo shoots, special occasions, and just for fun! Are you looking for that special diaper? Browse our photo gallery, rate them, and get in touch with sellers to order them, too!

You can't buy happiness but you can buy cloth diapers

Celebrities Use Cloth Diapers

Looking for more reasons to consider cloth diapers? Famous celebrities use cloth diapers too, proud of their own environmental efforts and their contributions to their own children's health. Find a long list here!

If you've never given cloth diapers much thought, you might want to think again. Cloth diapers have come a long way from when our parents used them! Click here to read why you should choose cloth diapers vs. disposables and here to learn more about how to use cloth diapers.

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