Tomahawk Sustainment Mission. Bardstown, Kentucky

by Terri Huff
(Bardstown, Kentucky)

Tomahawk Sustainment Missions Diaper Program

Tomahawk Sustainment Missions Diaper Program

If you would like to donate cloth diapers in Kentucky, read on! As part of our Choose Your Charity Event, which runs from October 1 to 21, we're helping to build awareness about cloth diaper charities that collect and distribute new and used cloth diapers to families who need help with the initial costs of purchasing diapers.

What is your mission?

Tomahawk Sustainment Mission is dedicated to the investment of substance, quality of life, and hope to individuals in the most remote areas of Appalachian Mountain Region in Kentucky and low-income families. We have begun a cloth diaper outreach program specifically targeted to low income families in Louisville, Kentucky and surrounding counties.

Which communities do you serve?

Tomahawk Sustainment Mission Diaper Program is targeting the Kentucky counties of Jefferson, Bullitt, and Nelson. We have partnered with the Louisville Center for Women and Families and Eastern Area Community Ministeries. We estimate 500 children will qualify for starter diaper package. Future plans include expanding to the the Floyd County, Kentucky organizations in Appalachia, that we have already partnered with in past donations. They include God's Appalachian Partnership and Redbird Mission.

How many families have you served?

This years mission trip has included food, new school clothes, shoes, children's strollers, beds, baby bathtubs, diapers, and personal hygiene products that have benefited approximately 300 people.

How do your clients qualify?

Qualifying for food stamps or WIC is the only requirement.

What kind of support do you provide them?

Our goal is to provide cloth diapers to qualifying families. This is a continuous commitment to first provide starter cloth diaper packages to low-income families as an alternative to disposable brands, and second, build an inventory of replacement diapers in the event that alterations are needed.

How can others help your cause?

The best possible support for Tomahawk Sustainment Missions' Diaper Program is absolutely the support of cloth diapering Moms donating their new or gently used cloth diapers and accessories. The need is so great in these tough economic times that, without your help, our families will never have the opportunity to know there is another way.

They will never know that they can be part of the global progression to save our planet. If never given and opportunity to be involved in the solution, or make an informed decision, our landfills will continue to reflect the waste of information of previous generations.

Why did you get started?

Tomahawk Sustainment Mission started with a dream and vision that centered on the most distressed areas of Appalachia and still continues to support that area. In the process, it became apparent that THE most important thing, in this economic climate, that low-income children lack are the basic necessities.

Want to Get in Touch?

On Facebook:

To find out how you can be involved in our Choose Your Charity Contest, which runs from October 1 to 21, please visit our Choose Your Charity Page.

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