Cloth Diaper Reviews | Our Favorite Products

Thinking About Cloth Diapers has tested dozens of popular and new, lesser-known cloth diaper brands and other products, too! In our Cloth Diaper Reviews section, we share our favorites!

You likely found our website when you started searching for cloth diaper information. Cloth diapering doesn't need to be hard, and that's why we created Thinking About Cloth Diapers - to help connect you with quality information and products.

Cloth diaper reviews
cloth diaper reviews

We are working on a cloth diaper reviews section that will help you find quality products. There are tons of great brands available, so we want you to find one that works well for you and your family!

Our Favorites!

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Tots Bots Easy Fit

Overall Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

This is our daycare provider's favorite diaper! With easy Velcro closure (snaps also available), it's comparable in use to disposables.

Smart Bottoms One-Size AIO

Overall Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

This diaper has quickly become a favorite.  We think it's everything a beginner wants - simple to put on, easy to wash, great fitting, absorbent, and organic too!


SoftBums Echo

Overall Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

SoftBums Echo is one of our all-time favorite diapers.  Truly a one-size diaper that fits most babies right from birth, we love this made-in-the-USA AI2!
softbums echo

Ragababe 2-Step Organic

Overall Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

Are Ragababes worth the hype and the hefty price tag?  Read our review to find out why we love this premium diaper.
ragababe all-in-two cloth diaper


Overall Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

We love the covers made by this smaller brand that is sometimes featured on daily deal websites!


Ella Bella Bum Ella'ssential

Overall Rating:

Ella Bella Bum makes one-size pocket diapers with striking color options and a trim fit.  This is by far our favorite pocket!

Fuzzibunz Perfect Size Diaper

Overall Rating:

In our opinion, these reliable and affordable pockets are an excellent way to start out cloth diapering.  Read our full review for more.

Hybrid Fitteds

Boogie Bear Creations

Overall Rating: 

I've been these high-performing diapers for several years, and the insert system is amazing!  Plus, they continue to improve the design!

Butt-Ons Hybrid Fitted

Overall Rating:


Bummis Dimple Overnight Diaper

Overall Rating:

Trim, incredibly absorbent, and made from organic cotton, read why we think this diaper is a great fit for overnights!

Diaper Covers

TushMate Cover

Overall Rating:

I love how flexible this system is.  Read our full review to find out more about our new favorite tuckable cover.


For more information plus our take on more than 10 insert brands, check out our full article on cloth diaper inserts.

Newborn Diapers

Trainers & Clothing

Project Pomona Denim

Overall Rating:

Tired of the same old baby wear?  Read our review of Project Pomona jeans, which  combine great design and smart features!

Bummis Trainers

Overall Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

Absorbent enough to contain accidents, and easy to pull up, these pull-on trainers are a must!



LilHelper Mattress Pads

Overall Rating:

Funky Fluff Wet Bag

Overall Rating:

Baby Carriers

Baby K'Tan Carrier

Overall Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

Other Brands We've Reviewed

Boogie Bear Creations AI2

Overall Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

Find out what we love about these beautiful cloth diapers made in Vermont, USA, and why they've become one of our favorite brands!
Boogie Bear Creations AI2 Cloth Diaper

Baby Beduga 2-in-1

Overall Rating:

Because of it's affordability and quality, this quickly made our list of favorites!  Find out what we love about this one-size made-in-USA pocket diaper!
Baby Beduga 2-in-one pocket cloth diaper

Rumparooz G2

Overall Rating:

This one-size pocket offers one of the best fits on newborns.  Read more about why we like this diaper.
Rumparooz G2 pocket review

AMP Duo Diaper

Overall Rating: ♥♥♥

Read more about why this made-in-Canada cloth diaper became the foundation for our entire cloth diaper stash - plus what we wish we could change about it!

Want to Submit a Review of your Own?

Have you discovered a cloth diaper brand that you'd love to tell other moms about? Is there a brand you wish you had known more about before you bought it?

When you create a cloth diaper review, you're not only helping other moms with their research, you're also helping us figure out which brands we should feature and work with!

We would be so appreciative if you would take a couple of minutes to share your cloth diaper experiences with us. The form we've created will only take a couple of minutes - give it a try!

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