Choose Your Charity Profile | Fluffy Wishes - Michigan Cloth Diaper Charity

If you've ever wanted to donate cloth diapers to a worthwhile cause, read on! As part of our second annual Choose Your Charity Event, which runs from November 10 to 25, 2013, we're putting the spotlight on several wonderful cloth diaper charities that collect new and used diapers (even those needing repairs!) to help other families get started out with the initial costs of purchasing diapers.

Fluffy Wishes Cloth Diaper Closet

We'd like to introduce you to a Michigan-based Fluffy Wishes Diaper Closet. For our charity spotlight, Amber Fewless, founder, provided us with more details on their work!

What is your mission?

We want to make sure families have a way to diaper their decision as well as help our families to be able to purchase their own stash of diapers.

Which communities do you serve?

We currently provide service to the Michigan area and are soon to start servicing parts of Indiana.

How many families have you served?

We have served of 30 families in 5 month time.

How do your clients qualify?

Our clients qualify if they receive WIC or other government assistance.

What kind of support do you provide them?

We have online support as well as telephone support for our clients and their families. We also provide them with education before they receive their diapers.

How can others help your cause?

We are in desperate need of diapers as we currently have a waiting list!

Why did you get started?

We started this program to help people who could not afford to diaper or who could not afford the up front cost of cloth diapering.

Want to Get in Touch?

If you'd like to donate cloth diapers, or would like to get in contact with Amber, here's some contact information:

Fluffy Wishes Diaper Closet


On Facebook

By email:

Amber, thanks for your hard work in helping other families to get started with cloth diapers! Your story is an inspiration, and your hard work is very much appreciated by many needy families!

If you know of a cloth diaper charity that we should feature, please let us know! It's easy, just contact us with a quick note!

To find out how you can be involved in our Choose Your Charity Contest, which runs from November 10 to 25, please visit our Choose Your Charity Event page.

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