Donate Cloth Diapers: Cloth for a Cause Ontario

Have you ever wanted to donate cloth diapers to a worthwhile cause? Well you can! There are lots of great cloth diaper charities that collect new and used diapers to help other families get started while managing the up-front costs of purchasing diapers. As part of our second annual Choose Your Charity Event, which runs from November 10 to 25, 2013, we're helping to build awareness about cloth diaper charities that collect and distribute new and used cloth diapers to families who need help with the initial costs of purchasing diapers.

Cloth for a Cause Ontario

We'd like to introduce you to a wonderful, local (to us!) cloth diaper charity called Cloth for a Cause, based out of the Greater Toronto Area. We caught up with founder Amy Benson recently to find out more about her passion to help introduce cloth diapers to families in need!

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What is your mission?

We're a group of Canadian moms striving to provide quality, sustainable cloth diapers to interested low income/struggling families that cannot afford the initial start up costs associated with cloth diapering.

We are a cloth lending service, so we lend the families the diapers in the hopes that they will return them to us in good condition when they no longer need them so we can continue to help other families.

Which communities do you serve?

We just expanded this chapter of Cloth for a Cause from Durham Region to all of Southern Ontario [covering the GTA]. We have, however, helped families as far away as New Brunswick.

How many families have you served?

In the 5 short months since we started in February 2012, we have helped 8 families, including one with twins!

How do your clients qualify?

We send them an application which consists of several questions regarding their living situation, number of children, laundry facilities, place of employment and/or which government assistance, if any, they receive. Families that do not receive assistance may still qualify as we believe working families can also struggle financially. We do respect privacy and try to be as non-invasive as possible.

What kind of support do you provide them?

Most families so far have been new to cloth diapering and it's a pleasure to help them adopt a cloth diapering system that works for their family. We provide as much support as needed/wanted with regards to cloth diapers including washing routine suggestions, different options for overnight diapers or heavy wetters, using cloth wipes and cloth diapering while out and about.

How can others help your cause?

We are always looking for families to help that are interested in starting to cloth diaper their little ones but cannot afford it. Helping us spread the word helps gets more bums in cloth!

Plus, please donate!

We are always collecting donations of:

  • Cloth diapers and related accessories, even those in need of some repairs
  • Elastic and snaps to repair diapers
  • Your time and talents: if you can sew or do snap conversions, we have many diapers in need of repair
  • Cash donations: to help us with shipping and repair costs

We are also looking for volunteers to host drop-off locations: we simply do not have the resources to pick up or pay for shipping for everyone that contacts us to donate cloth diapers.

Why did you get started?

I started this chapter of Cloth for a Cause because I am passionate about cloth diapering and wanted to donate cloth diapers that I was no longer using. I was unable to find a local place to donate cloth diapers to.

I contacted the original Cloth for a Cause, based in BC and started by a young mom named Samantha Pearl Kealing, to see if there was anything similar in Ontario. There was not and the cost to ship what I had to donate would have been too expensive!

I wanted to start something locally so I worked with the other chapters of Cloth for a Cause out in Western Canada and set up the Durham Region chapter in February 2012. We have recently expanded to serve all of Southern Ontario with the help of Heidi from Done with Disposables.

Want to Get in Touch?

If you'd like to donate cloth diapers, or would like to get in contact with Amy and her team of volunteers at the Ontario Cloth for a Cause chapter, here's some contact information:



Amy Benson is the founder of Cloth for a Cause Durham Region, and has recently started her own business, Take a Walk on the Green Side, where she will be selling greener alternatives to every day items. Amy, we appreciate you taking the time to share your passion with us, and wish you all the best with your new business, too!

To find out how you can be involved in our Choose Your Charity Contest, which runs from November 10 to 25, 2013, please visit our Choose Your Charity Page.

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