Cloth Diaper Column - Cloth Diaper Coupons & SoftBums Giveaway

Issue #16, October 2014

Welcome to our our October 2014 edition of Cloth Diaper Column!  This month,  we're sharing a big discount on our new cloth diaper coupon book. Plus, we've got giveaways (including one right here in our newsletter!), other news, new articles, and more!

"I know now that we never get over great losses; we absorb them, and they carve us into different, often kinder, creatures."

-- Gail Caldwell, "Let's Take the Long Way Home"

In October 1988, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed October as National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.  If you've ever experienced miscarriage or infant loss, October 15th is one of those days that undoubtedly stirs up emotions usually tucked down deep inside. Please take time to think of your friends and family members who have lost a baby too early.  They will never be forgotten.

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This Month's Feature

This month, we're talking about cloth diaper coupons - and for good reason!  While cloth diapers can save you a lot of money in the long run, we know all too well that getting started with cloth diapers requires a big initial investment.

ditch the disposables - big book of cloth diaper savings

Get Exclusive Savings!

When we created Ditch the Disposables, we asked cloth diaper manufacturers and retailers to offer us discounts and special offers they wouldn't normally make available in exchange for free advertising. The result is an awesome book of coupons that you can redeem to help make cloth diapers even more affordable!

These books are also perfect for baby showers, stocking stuffers, and for you own purchases too - one or two coupons will more than pay for the book.  Plus, 25% of book sales will benefit Cloth for a Cause and the Rebecca Foundation's Cloth Diaper Closet with much needed cash to help cover shipping costs to get even more families started with cloth diapers!

Special Savings - Just for Newsletter Subscribers

Don't miss our Ditch the Disposables discount code, just for newsletter subscribers.  At the bottom of this newsletter, we've got a limited time offer for our biggest sale we'll offer on this book!

Until November 7, you can save a whopping 35% off on this incredible book that is already packed full of coupons and freebies!  We're offering versions for both the US and Canada, with special savings on everything you need to cloth diaper, from inserts, to shells & pockets, diaper sprayers, and more!

You can purchase or read more about our coupon book, "Ditch the Disposables - The Big Book of Cloth Diaper Savings" here.  Besides being a great investment into big savings for your own cloth diaper stash, these coupon books also make great stocking stuffers, baby shower gifts, and even thank-you gifts for friends and daycare providers.

cloth diaper coupon book

Have you heard?

Hot New Articles This Month

When you visit our site, you may notice some changes!  We have introduced a new logo and are continuing to update our site design and navigation.  If you have any suggestions or feedback, we'd love to hear from you!

Summer flew by without a newsletter, but we've added the following articles recently:

We also wrote a guest post on Cloth Diaper Guru about using cloth diapers at daycare.  You can read it here.

Our focus at Thinking About Cloth Diapers is not product reviews, but occasionally we do post reviews for products we love.  Here are a few of the products we've shared recently that you may not have seen:

  • Project Pomona Denim - awesome blue jeans, khakis, and more for cloth diapered bums.  I'm excited to say that our photos for this review also got featured on TheBabyGuyNYC's blog when he dove into cloth diapers!  #makeclothmainstream!
  • Ella Bella Bum Review - a Made-in-Canada pocket that we adore.  (And we don't usually love pockets!)
  • Tushmate Cover Review - our new favorite cover for flats, prefolds, and more!

Current Giveaways

We're grateful to our site sponsors that allow us to offer you more chances to win cloth diapers, gear, and other awesome prizes!  We've got 3 giveaways currently going on right on our site:

News from the Cloth Diaper World

  • Lots of news coming out of the ABC Expo last month!  From new prints galore to Kickstarter Campaigns by Gro-Via and Boingo, there continue to be new and exciting launches in the industry!
  • For our readers in the US (I'm sorry, Canadians!): I'm a huge fan of SoftBums, and so I was excited to be asked to help them get the word out about their Twitter Party on Wednesday October 29th.  They're launching a new color, Midnight (navy with black snaps!) and they've given me one to give away to a lucky reader too!  I'm going to share that giveaway just a bit further down this page!  If you're on Twitter,   If you're not on Twitter, you just might want to create an account anyway!
softbums midnight blue cloth diaper with black snaps
softbums #sbmidnightrelease twitter party

RSVP here and then scroll down for your chance to

win a SoftBums Omni in the new color. (US Only)

NEW! Deal of the Week!

We're offering a special discount code on our Ditch the Disposables publication!  We're rewarding you, as a loyal newsletter subscriber, for letting us into your inbox.  As our way of saying thank-you, this is the best sale we will be offering on the book this year!  (So hint, hint, if you want to buy it, buy it now!)

Save 35% on Ditch the Disposables with code BESTEVER.  (Valid for both the US and the Canadian version!)  This coupon code will be valid until midnight EST on Friday November 7, 2014.  With this code, both versions of the book are under $10!  Don't miss it!

Keeping Up

As a working parent, I know how busy life can get!

As we head back to the rink this winter for early morning hockey practices, I've been scouring the internet for healthy breakfast ideas to go.  You can check them out on Pinterest here.

One grab and go snack/breakfast I've made a couple of times already are these granola bars.  (Recipe here.) 

healthy granola bar recipe

I sneak in some extras to up make these a bit healthier.  To a double recipe, I add 2 tsp of cinnamon, 1/2 cup of toasted (unsalted) sunflower seeds, 1/4 cup of wheat germ, and 1/4 cup of ground flax seed.  We top them with a couple of tablespoons of finely chopped chopped dried cranberries and a couple of tablespoons of mini chocolate chips.  When you use the mini chips, doesn't take much chocolate to be a hit in my son's books!

And that's all for this month! 

Thanks for hanging out with me!

Open to Residents of  US Only

This giveaway ends at 11:59 PM PST, Nov 4, 2014

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a free product in exchange for publishing this giveaway.  Thinking About Cloth Diapers and the other participating bloggers are not responsible for prize fulfillment.  SoftBums is responsible for prize fulfillment.  This giveaway is open to legal residents of the United States of America, and ends at 11:59 PM EST on Nov 4, 2014.  One winner will be chosen at random.  Winning entries will be verified.  The winner will be contacted by email and must reply within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen.  This giveaway is not affiliated with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, or any other method of social media.

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At Thinking About Cloth Diapers, we offer reliable, up-to-date cloth diaper research to save you time so you can get on with the other things you want to do.

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Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” For more information, see our Disclaimer and Copyright.

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