Designer Diaper Bags for Cloth Diapers

Here's a list of 8 cloth diaper friendly designer diaper bags!  It's amazing how much "stuff" moms need in their diaper bags when they travel with a baby! From a change of clothes for you and 3 outfits for baby, to hand sanitizer and extra wipes, it's not easy to pack light!

Looking for the Perfect Diaper Bag for Cloth Diapers?

If you're planning to use cloth diapers, plan to buy a bigger diaper bag. You'll want to make sure you've got lots of room in your bag, since cloth diapers are bulkier than disposables and you'll need to bring your dirty diapers home with you for washing.

There's lots of roomy bags out there for you to choose from when you choose cloth diapers. Designed with lots of space, most of these great bag options will also double as a laptop bag or tote bag for the beach or other day trips later on.  Below are some of our readers' favorite bags.

favorite diaper bags for cloth diapers

Featured Diaper Bags

  1. Ju-Ju-Be All
  2. Vera Bradley Baby Bag
  3. Babymel Amanda
  4. Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Backpack
  5. Ju-Ju-Be BFF
  6. Lug Tuk Tuk
  7. Thirty-One Organizing Utility Tote
  8. Skip Hop Duo

And below, we provide more details about the pricing, dimensions and features for each bag.

Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Backpack

petunia pickle bottom boxy backpack

Dimensions:  13x13.5x5.5"

Features: Built-in changing station and zip-out detachable change pad.  Includes wipes case and detachable dirty diaper pouch.  Comes with backpack straps and a messenger strap, stroller clips can be purchased separately.  Available in a variety of stylish fabrics from brocades to chenilles and coated fabrics.

Suggested retail: $179

Available on

Lug Tuk Tuk

Lug tuk tuk diaper bag

Dimensions:  17x12.5x6"

Features: Padded strap plus stroller straps, removable change mat, 2 front pockets for bottles.  Also has a ventilated compartment and removable drawstring bag for soiled items.

Suggested retail: $113

Available on

Skip Hop Duo

Skip Hop Duo diaper bag

Dimensions:  13x13.7x4"

Features: Lots of pockets, including 2 deep exterior side pockets and a bottle pocket.  Comes with changing pad.  Patented clips allow for quick conversion from shoulder to stroller bag.  Comfortable shoulder pad, and durable poly-canvas construction.

Suggested retail: $58

Available on

Ju-Ju-Be All

Ju Ju Be All diaper bag

Dimensions:  14x11x5.5"

Features: Shoulder strap with memory foam and grippy material to keep it from sliding.  Insulated bottle pockets and change pad, lots more pockets.  Tons of fabric choices mean it's unlikely someone will have the exact same designer diaper bags as you have!

Suggested retail: $125

Available on

Babymel Amanda

babymel amanda slouchy diaper bag

Dimensions:  13x17x6"

Features: Slouchy hobo style with adjustable stroller strap, easy to clean fabric both inside and out, and a changing mat.  Insulated bottle pocket and several other pockets.

Suggested retail: $100

Available on

Ju Ju Be BFF

Dimensions:  14" x 12" x 6"

Features: Detachable shoulder and messenger straps, carry handle, loads of pockets to keep you organized!

Suggested retail: $165

Available on

Thirty-One Organizing Utility Tote

thirty one utility tote for cloth diaper bag

Dimensions:  15.5" x 10.25" x 6.5"

Features: This is a favorite of many of our readers - functional and affordable!  Features seven outside pockets to keep baby's gear organized, plus a large inside compartment, perfect to hold 6 or more diapers plus change of clothing and more!

Suggested retail: $30

Available on

Vera Bradley Baby Bag

Dimensions:  14" x 12 ¾" x 5 ½"

Features: Removable adjustable strap

Suggested retail: $109

Available on

Buying Tips

Are you coveting a fancy diaper bag, but it's outside of your budget?  Here are some of our suggestions to snag a deal or find an alternative to a pricy designer diaper bag.

  • Find a Deal:  If you're not in a hurry, watch for diaper bag sales on discount sites like Zulily, BabySteals, and others.  Most brands are featured occasionally.
  • Gently used:  Lots of parents change bags when they add to their family or their needs change as baby grows.  Look for previously-loved bags from Kijiji and buy-sell-trade sites.
  • Look at Department Stores: While the brands and styles change too frequently to include them in our article, Wal-Mart, Target, and other big box stores always carry budget diaper bags that include many of the features of these designer diaper bags.
  • Back Packs also make great diaper bags.  They're easy to carry and usually have multiple pockets.  Plus, they often include features like key clips and mesh side pockets that can be perfect for baby gear!


There's lots of great options for designer diaper bags available. You'll no doubt find one that reflects your style and matches your budget! Which diaper bags do you love for cloth diapers? Let us know in the comments below!

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