Cloth for a Cause

Did you know?  One in three families in the US and Canada have to choose between buying disposable diapers and buying food or paying rent?

When families choose to save money by cloth diapering, the start-up costs can be intimidating.  For a family that's struggling financially, the start-up costs for cloth diapers can be more than intimidating - they can be downright insurmountable.

That's where Cloth for a Cause comes into play.  Cloth for a Cause is a brand new Canadian charity. We've been operating since 2011 with a simple mission: to help those 33% get their babies in diapers.

In the year and a half that they've been open, Cloth for a Cause has expanded from one little chapter in Prince George to fourteen stretching across Canada.And they've helped nearly 150 families get their babies in cloth!

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Cloth for a Cause

If you live in Canada and you would like to donate cloth diapers to a worthwhile cause, take note of Cloth for a Cause! As part of our Choose Your Charity event, which will run in September 2013, we're featuring several hard-working cloth diaper charities that collect new and used diapers (even those needing repairs!) to help other families who otherwise couldn't afford the start-up costs for cloth diapers.

Cloth for a Cause started out as a single organization in Prince George, BC, but has since expanded with regional teams right across Canada! Founder Samantha (Pearl) Kealing provided us with more details on their work!

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What is your mission?

We're a group of Canadian moms striving to provide quality, sustainable cloth diapers to interested low income/struggling families that cannot afford the initial start up costs associated with cloth diapering.

We are a cloth lending service, so we lend the families the diapers in the hopes that they will return them to us in good condition when they no longer need them so we can continue to help other families.

Which communities do you serve?

Our main chapter operated out of Prince George. We also have a Vancouver Island Branch, a Fraser Valley, and Bulkely Valley area branch all running out of British Columbia. Our Alberta branches operate from Medicine Hat, and Grande Prairie. Ontario locations are Barrie and our Southern Ontario branch. 

Cloth for a Cause is now a legal charity. Not only does that mean that their ability to help struggling families has grown, it also means that their need for assistance has grown!

How many families have you served?

The Prince George chapter has served 15 families in Canada and the USA as of August 2012.

How do your clients qualify?

I like to ask them a series of questions regarding their financial situation and why they would like to use our services. Often, I don't need to ask, and a parent will send me a long email explaining their situation. We try to remain as non-invasive as possible, but we do need to ensure that the diapers are getting to the people who need them the most.

What kind of support do you provide them?

In addition to lending the diapers, we provide information on how to use them. We can help a parent troubleshoot any issues in their wash routine, and tailor a package to their families individual needs.

How can others help your cause?

The biggest help is in spreading the word about our organization. If you know a family who would benefit from our organizations help, let them know about us. Donations are always needed. Money is used in shipping the diapers out, or paying for materials used to repair diapers and donations of cloth diapers keep us going. If you're interested in starting a chapter in your area, you can contact

Samantha Pearl Kealing at

We are always collecting donations of:

  • Cloth diapers and related accessories, even those in need of some repairs
  • Elastic and snaps to repair diapers
  • Your time and talents: if you can sew or do snap conversions, we have many diapers in need of repair
  • Cash donations: to help us with shipping and repair costs

You can help by donating to Cloth for a Cause through our PayPal account or by sending a cloth diaper donation to one of our chapters. (If you live in Canada and are making a donation of $20 or greater, we can issue a tax receipt!) If you're near one of our local chapters, you can donate material goods and cash directly to the chapter. If you're not and you'd like to donate some diapers, our Nova Scotia chapter has a large need for services!

We are also looking for volunteers to host drop-off locations: we simply do not have the resources to pick up or pay for shipping for everyone that contacts us to donate cloth diapers.

Why did you get started?

My interest in cloth diapers began when I became pregnant with my son, Luca. Looking at the prices of cloth, I knew that the start up cost was going to prevent me from going this route- I couldn't even afford toilet paper at the time!

When I ran out of the diapers received from our baby shower, I were trying to tie tea towels around him. I began making my own diapers on a sewing machine I was given, and held a few workshops in hopes of empowering moms to make their own diapers. I realized that most low income moms simply don't have access to a sewing machine. When I was more stable financially, I began buying and repairing cheap pocket diapers and repairing and giving them away.

When I stood back and saw the need for a recycling program for well used cloth diapers, and a need for cloth diapers in the community, it didn't take long for me to realise that this was something I could do. I created an email and the Facebook page, and was shocked at how many people came on board and how quickly it grew!

Want to get in touch?

If you'd like to donate cloth diapers, or would like to get in contact with Pearl and her team of volunteers at Cloth for a Cause, here's some contact information:

Prince George

Samantha "Pearl" Kealing
250 649-8596

Vancouver Island

Janaya Honka
Aimee Susanna Maguire

Bukley Valley [Smithers area]

Cara McCormack

Fraser Valley, BC

Jenna Gardner

Medicine Hat, AB

Helene Gifford or helnick@TELUS.NET
paypal :

Southern Ontario

Amy Benson & Heidi Platt

Grande Prairie

Sandy Bailey

Pearl, your work is truly an inspiration to others! Thank-you so much for your tireless efforts to help others realize the benefits of cloth diapering, and for taking the time to help us learn more about your wonderful Canadian cloth diaper charity!

To find out how you can be involved in our Choose Your Charity Contest, please contact us with a quick note!

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