Choose Your Charity Profile | The Rebecca Foundation's Cloth Diaper Closet

If you would like to donate cloth diapers, read on to learn more about a newly launched national chapter-based organization that is set to make an impact! As part of our second annual Choose Your Charity Event, which runs from November 10 to 25, 2013, we're highlighting several wonderful cloth diaper charities that work hard to help families get started with the initial costs of purchasing diapers. These organizations collect new and used diapers (even those needing repairs!) and distribute them to those who most need them.

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The Rebecca Foundation Cloth Diaper Closet

Introducing The Rebecca Foundation's Cloth Diaper Closet, a cloth diaper charity founded in Eastern Tennessee, which has expanded to 21 chapters all across the US over the past year. We talked to Amanda La Bell, founder of the Foundation, as part of our interview series.

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What is your mission?

We assist low income/struggling families with the most basic of needs, diapers. We provide quality, reusable cloth diapers to families who cannot afford the continuing cost of disposable diapers or the initial start up cost of cloth diapers.

We are a cloth lending service; we lend the diapers to the families who are in need. Once they no longer need these we ask they return them so we can continue to help other families.

Thirsties and Flip cloth diapers

Which communities do you serve?

The Rebecca Foundation's Cloth Diaper Closet is a national organization that serves all of the US.  Their main office is located in San Antonio, TX, and they serve communities in several states including Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington.  No matter if you have a chapter nearby or not, they are able to help!

How many families have you served?

In just over a year, we have served more than 75 families, lending 1150 cloth diapers!

How do your clients qualify?

We have an application process that can be completed online or over the phone. The questions consist of basic contact information, number of children in need, living situation, laundry facilities and if presently on a government assistance program. If a family does not receive assistance, they still may qualify as we feel that families can still struggle financially. We take the time to speak with each family that requests assistance while respecting their privacy and the situation.

What kind of support do you offer them?

The majority of the families have been new to cloth diapering. We provide a variety of diapering systems as well as education classes and support prior to receiving their diapers and while they are loaned to them. We also will offer a mentor, and ongoing natural parenting classes.

How can others help your cause?

We continue to grow and always looking for like minded passionate individuals to open a chapter of The Rebecca Foundation in their communities. We are also a national lending service helping families with cloth diapers, at no charge, with the help of our chapters. 

As we continue to grow we are always looking for volunteers to help spread the love and the word about us. However in order to do that we need donations!

We are always collecting donations of:

  • Cloth diapers and related accessories, even those in need of repairs.
  • Natural Parenting items: wraps, slings, wet bags, rash creams, etc…
  • Cash donations: to assist in repairs, pickup/delivery of diapers, and shipping

Why did you get started?

I originally started The Rebecca Foundation with the purpose to help families with lawyers, advocates and assistance regarding children custody issues between absentee parents or invasive grandparents. This was due to my daughter, Rebecca’s struggles with her biological father and his parents pulling us constantly into the courtroom for years. However this was not the present need in our community. With the birth of my second daughter I fell into the world of natural/attached parenting and cloth diapers. Realizing that other families may not be afforded the ability to start cloth diapering or afford disposables, I decided to take our foundation in a new direction.

I spent months looking for a local non-profit that assisted families with cloth diapers instead of disposables, but could not find anything. And so I made the decision, with the assistance of my husband, to begin the “The Rebecca Foundation’s Cloth Diaper Closet”. My goal is to help as many families as possible with more than just cloth diapers. We would like to encompassing all aspects of birth, childcare, parenting and beyond.

Want to get in touch?

For volunteering, donations or assistance you can contact us here:







Amanda, your passion about cloth diapers is clear - what a wonderful undertaking! Wishing you all the best as you start your foundation's work to help other families realize the benefits of cloth diapers!

If you know of a cloth diaper charity that we should feature, please let us know! It's easy, just contact us with a quick note!

To find out how you can be involved in our Choose Your Charity Contest, which runs from November 10 to 25, please visit our Choose Your Charity event page.

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