Choose Your Charity Contest

Timing: November 10 to 25, 2013

Spread the word about cloth diaper lending services and charities! Click on the link below to read about our sponsors, enter to win, and vote for your favorite charity!

Below is a list of some of the many cloth diaper charities that help families in need across North America to get started with cloth diapers!


National Organizations

Canada National - Cloth for a Cause

USA National - Giving Diapers, Giving Hope

USA National - The Rebecca Foundation


By State/Province

Alberta - Cloth for a Cause Medicine Hat

Georgia - Cloth for Every Bum

Indiana - Heiny Helpers

Louisiana - Ribbon n Stitches

Michigan - Fluffy Wishes Diaper Closet

North Carolina - Sweet Cheeks Diaper Kits

Oklahoma - Cloth Diaper Oklahoma

Ontario - Cloth for a Cause

Washington - Cutie Bondoonies Diaper Kits

In Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? Dr. Seuss says, "You ought to be thankful a whole heaping lot, for the places and people you're lucky you're not."

Since becoming a mother, I reflect more often than ever on how lucky I am for a healthy family, our freedom, joyful days, good food, and a job I love. And I have become ever more aware of the pain and suffering facing some children and mothers, both within North America, and also around the world.

I've always admired others who give deeply to causes they believe in. Over the past year as I built the Thinking About Cloth Diapers website, I often thought about whether there was a way to use this website to help others less fortunate.

Dr. Seuss' second reminder, from The Lorax provided inspiration: "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not!"

Please help us and show how much you care!

We would also like to thank the following bloggers for their support in promoting this event:

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