Support Us: Buy from Our Affiliates

We often get asked, how does a website make money?  When you purchase from affiliates of Thinking About Cloth Diapers, we receive a small commission or advertising fee.  Your purchases help us pay for web hosting, giveaways, reviews and more!


Thank You!

When I started this website, I envisioned a comprehensive information site that could be used by those who were thinking about using cloth diapers.  As this site has grown, I have been humbled by the support of readers and the cloth diaper community as a whole!

When you support the companies that support us through purchases you would make anyway, you are helping us to pay for the bills associated with this web site - web hosting, product reviews, and giveaways!  We truly appreciate your support!

Our Affiliates

We sell affordable advertising on our right side bar that helps other businesses grow.  In addition, we help to promote other companies through our own placement of links throughout our website and social media properties (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter).

Below is a list of companies that we work with in varying degrees.  Whether you purchase cloth diapers or something totally unrelated, we receive advertising fees for your purchases.  If you plan to make a purchase from one of these merchants, we would very much appreciate if you would click on our link to enter their online store! 

What are Affiliate Programs?

Affiliate programs, also called associate programs, allow websites such as ours to make money by sending prospective customers to merchants.  When merchants use traditional advertising, they pay up front to place a link on a blog or website.  With affiliate programs, the merchant only pays when the website or blog brings the merchant sales.  In the age of the internet, many companies have opted to forgo traditional advertising in favor of associate programs.

The affiliate programs we work with pay us a small commission when you purchase products from them - generally between 4 and 10%.  This doesn't cost you anything, but those pennies add up and help us to pay for web hosting, product reviews, and giveaways.

How Do We Use Affiliate Links?

Where appropriate in our articles, we use links to connect you to products that we are discussing.  Not only do these links provide us with an opportunity to make money if you decide to purchase the product based on our recommendation, they also save you valuable time because you can find a source to purchase the product.  I know from experience - there's nothing worse than reading about a great product and then not being able to find a place to purchase it!

Please rest assured - we only recommend products and services that we use personally and believe will be good for our readers.  Additionally, your privacy is protected.  Keep in mind that merchants do not share any customer or transactional information with us - in other words, we don't know who purchased or what they purchased.

We also occasionally promote these businesses on our social media accounts and newsletters, to let you know about new products, sales, or special offers.

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