Cloth Diaper Column -
All About Cloth Diaper Inserts

Do you ever wonder, “What did I used to do before I had kids?” It might seem like forever ago, but if you’re anything like me, your hobbies probably got put on the back-burner when your little one emerged on the scene.

"The most important choices you’ll ever make are how you use your time. You can never make up the time you lose."

--Dave Kekich

What things do you wish you didn’t have to spend as much time on? And what would you do if you had more time?Dave Kekich was a young entrepreneur, a long-distance runner and a weight lifter, but in one day, a spinal cord injury changed his life forever. As he came to terms with life as a paraplegic, he refocused his priorities.

Over the course of the next 30 years, he went on to achieve new levels of success, and wrote the Kekich Credo, which offers 100 powerful “secrets” to a fulfilled life, including the one I quoted above.

All About Cloth Diaper Inserts

Cloth diaper inserts are not always the first thing that comes to mind when you think about cloth diapers, but absorbency is the key to diapering success! And we hear, time and time again, that one of the most confusing aspects of cloth diapers is the subject of inserts, liners, and boosters!

Cloth diapers were simpler when flats, prefolds, and covers were the only options available…. Cotton was typically the only fabric choice, and stay-dry liners were basically unheard of.

With textile advancements (such as PUL and bamboo, microfleece and microfiber) have come new diaper options. Pocket diapers and all-in-one designs offer convenient features that rival those only previously found in disposables, and all of this has breathed new life into the cloth diaper industry.

But... (and yes, I said, “but”), these advancements have complicated our lives! Unfortunately, for a new parent, the decision to cloth diaper is now usually much easier than the decision of which diapers to buy! If you spent a ton of time doing cloth diaper research, you’re not alone!

My goal with Thinking About Cloth Diapers is to make your life a little easier! I’m hoping that you can spend more time on what really matters, instead of researching cloth diapers. With this in mind, we spent a lot of time getting our full-length article about cloth diaper inserts, liners, and boosters right.

I hope you’ll find that this article is a great starting point in your effort to learn more about cloth diaper absorbency.

Read on to learn more about popular insert materials, understand the difference between biodegradable and stay-dry liners, and find a list of our favorite insert brands, too.

Keeping Up

As a working parent, I know how busy life can get!

Tired of trying to clean precious hand prints (aka grubby little finger prints) off of your stainless steel appliances? Thanks to Natural Mommie, I discovered an easy, and completely natural, way to clean stainless steel.

All you need is a bit of vegetable oil and a soft cloth. You can read the My appliances desperately needed a good cleaning, and this simple solution worked wonders on my fridge and stove! I was a little nervous that the oil would collect lint or get gummy later on, but even on my oven door, it’s been fine!

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