Are You Curious About Cloth Diapers?

Do you have a new baby on the way? Or maybe your family has already grown, and you've been thinking about cloth diapers for awhile, but haven't taken the plunge yet. No matter what your situation is, our Cloth vs Disposable Diapers article is a great place to start learning about why so many parents are now choosing, reusable diapers.

How to use cloth diapers

Just Getting Started?

Learn how to use cloth diapers with our Ages and Stages series, which will take you through cloth diapering from newborn to potty training.  Explore how you can make cloth diapers work for your family at the stage you're at right now.

There are about a dozen different styles of cloth diapers, and hundreds of cloth diaper brands available for sale.  Learn more about the types of cloth diapers and explore some of our favorite products too!

Need Some Answers Quick?

If you're interested in learning more about cloth diapers, you've come to the right place. With so much information, it can be hard to find the answers you need! That's why we're here to help.

Thinking About Cloth Diapers has been carefully designed to help you find the information you need and provide answers to the most commonly asked questions.

I want to help you find quality information and reliable reusable diapering products.  We do not make or sell diapers or accessories, and we will not recommend any products we don't believe in or wouldn't use on our own child.

To be sure that the information we provide you is top quality, we have spent hours reading articles and reviews, following forums and brands, testing products, and compiling our well-researched articles.  We won't pretend we know everything, though!  The cloth diaper world continues to change and grow, so if you have a new product to share, or an idea for a new article or update, we'd love to hear from you!

Cloth Diapering Doesn't Need to be Hard

The unbiased articles on our site will help you make a decision you'll feel good about. We've got information you need to help you:

  • Understand why you should consider cloth instead of disposable diapers
  • Select a style of reusable eco-friendly diapers and a brand that works for your lifestyle and your budget
  • Buy your diapers with confidence
  • Choose the best laundry method
  • Save time and money with our helpful tips, including "make-your-own" tutorials

New parents are busy parents, so let us help you.

Our simple cloth diaper information and helpful articles can help you discover just why cloth diapers might be a great decision for you!

PS - We'd Love to Keep in Touch

Our number one priority is to serve our readers by connecting them to quality information and reliable cloth diaper products.   Sign up for our RSS feed to get every new and updated article delivered to your inbox.  Plus, join us on our Facebook page for tips and conversations with readers just like you.

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